I've been rather content this afternoon, listening to the new jenny and johnny album and putting together the quilt top of my niece's quilt. But let me back up just a smidge...
Last week I'd finished sewing together all of the heather ross fabric sewed into blocks (the main rapunzel, owl and pussycat, and sleeping beauty prints) and accent rows (the rose and moon prints). every night since then I've been drawing and cutting out a ridiculous amount of pale pink sashing and just today started piecing them altogether. You can see there's a bit of puckering where I backstitched on each piece with the machine but I'm not sure what I can do about that. On the whole, I'm pretty darn excited to see it coming together! Maybe I will make this deadline after all (fingers crossed).

This is my plan for the overall quilt which will be a twin size. Hooray for ridiculous amounts of sashing! I found some gorgeous cotton sateen for the purple bit. It's really more of an eggplant color and I was a bit nervous about using it for a toddler's quilt but the colors worked so well together I decided to go for it. If this child is at all related to me she will appreciate the aesthetics. Stay tuned, hoping to post next week with the finished quilt top!
It is going to be beautiful- and boy are you fast or what? You will be done in no time at all.
I am LOVING this! It is totally giving me some inspiration for my FFA2 quilt. I hope you don't mind if I appropriate some ideas....
appropriate away!
Swoon! I love this quilt.
great job! already looking so great, I can imagine how beautiful it will be when it is done!
That fabric is amazing! I love the color scheme you've decided on and I can't wait to see it finished.
Wow I really love that!! Great progress. I think a reason I love that fabric so much is that it's girly but in such a unique way!
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