Saturday, September 18, 2010

who knew?!

so apparently my first item EVER made it to the front page! um...back in august. i have no idea how it missed my radar screen but see that there grey coffee cozy with the red buttons up in the second row? that's me! it's an item from my other shop purls and lace.

one of barbara cooney's illustrations from ox-cart man, by donald hall

while sewing and embroidery is my mainstay, i do love to knit especially in the colder months. it makes me think of the story ox-cart man which is one of my favorite children's books and it's a convenient way for me to get back to the materials of my roots since i grew up doing a lot of weaving, spinning, and dyeing.

for now, i've got a few new coffee cozies going up which are made with organic cotton yarn, pure wools, and each sprinkled with new and vintage buttons of all sorts. i hope to be expanding purls and lace this winter with several pairs of knitted mittens and socks as i really want the shop to focus on accessories that you can bundle up in. being able to get cozy and warm is, after all, what makes fall and winter so delicious to me!


Christina said...

congrats!!! Being on the front page for the first time is such an exciting feeling! Too bad you found out so late, but yay! :)

M.M.E. said...

Congratulations! I'm always interested in the way people shift their products for the different seasons. Prints are a bit seasonally universal but fabric is very much influenced by the weather.

Bethany Dirksen said...

Congrats on making it to the first page! I still don't think that has happened for me yet, but I don't know how I would know if it did. Do you have a certain way of checking?

thestoryofkat said...

thank you!

bethany—i've been using and the "heart-o-matic" on
It's been easier for me to use craftcult but i know that craftopolis can access your google analytics so that may be more helpful.

Maureen Cracknell Handmade said...

Wow, Congrats! How did you find out? You should be really proud of yourself, that is such a big moment!