my favorite tea cup and work in progress...
i'm pleased to announce that i'm working on my first wholesale order! the only thing is that i've got to finish it...and hopefully the quilt for my niece...before i leave on wednesday for a trip to michigan for my college reunion! yeah, i'm feeling a wee bit overwhelmed at the moment. i'm actually close to being done with the wholesale order as that was my first priority of course but i'm worried about being able to get the quilt done now. i'm just going to hunker down over the next couple days with my tea cup and thimble and get as much done as i possibly can.
despite the mad rush, i am excited to finally be getting my work into a brick and mortar store with this wholesale order. it's a big first for any etsy seller and i definitely feel a bit more professional with this experience under my wings. it was just the confidence boost i needed too after getting a little sad about losing some blog readers and facebook fans. i know it sounds silly but i take my work and my blog writing so personally and have to wonder...what did i do wrong? don't they like me anymore?! i've got to smile at myself thinking these thoughts of course and realize that it's just business. i suppose it'd do me good to grow a thicker skin and put my worry to work on new items instead!
p.s. don't miss the chance to enter maureen cracknell's awesome sewing and knitting giveaways!
Hi Kat-Sorry to drop out in typing for awhile. I've been reading most of your posts. You should see my blog. I think the last time I posted something was in March. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you and your efforts to share your passions. I hope that all goes well with the quilt. I need to finish mine too. Take care.
I think one the the blog followers you lost was me, so don't worry! I changed how I follow my blogs and think I was taken off the "google friend connect" in the process of doing so. Never fear....I'm still here :)
Good luck on the big order and congrats!
That picture itself is awesome, along with all the items in it. :) Congratulations on your wholesale order!! Yay!
I have lost a couple blog followers lately too. But I am not sure why, it might just be people cleaning up their lists. I know that sadly I don't go and visit a lot of the blogs I follow(which is over 200 yikes!). Some had to follow me during a giveaway at another blog a couple months ago(I didn't make up that rule myself lol). I figured some of them might follow and then later unfollow if they don't actually come and read. Try not to let it get to ya. :)
Congrats on your order! And that photo is simply lovely. I totally stole it and used it as my desktop background ;)
Kat -- Thanks for sharing my giveaways!!! Your blog looks wonderful -- I am hoping to do a makeover soon, too! Congrats on the wholesale order. : )
Well, I like you :)
I am excited for you over your wholesale order! What are you making?
Anyway, just work all you can and I feel sure you will have it all done by Wednesday!!
Congratulations on the wholesale order, I'm sure that it will go well.
And I hope the quilt gets finished. School reunions aren't big in Australia, so it's interesting to see how important they are in America. Have fun at yours!
thank you everyone for all the lovely comments, it's great to hear from so many of you and it made my day :)
more on that wholesale order and quilt top soon!
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